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Here at The Cheese and Wine Shop, we have Wines for any occasion, and any budget. Supplying Wines to Wellington, Taunton, the South West and nationally, see our great range below. 

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12% 14% 2011 75cl aged Alluvia Alto ancient Aperitif Argentina's aromas barrels black Blanc bodied bright Burgundian-style Challenge cherry clean clear complexity crisp darker delicious delightful dinner distinct Dona Doña dried drinkable earthy eminently Estate estate's Finca finish flagship flavour flavours focus follow French fresh front fruit genuinely grape grapefruit Grapes Gualtallary herb hills intense interesting International juicy kind Latour licorice light light-bodied light-ruby lime loads Louis Malbec meat medal medium Noir nose notes nuances oak palate party passion Paula Pinot plum proud Provence purity red region rosé round Sauvignon Seafood signature Silver simple smoke Soft sourced style value wine