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Here at The Cheese and Wine Shop, we have Wines for any occasion, and any budget. Supplying Wines to Wellington, Taunton, the South West and nationally, see our great range below. 

Next day service; why not combine your wine requirements with some of our great Cheeses?


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100cl 13% 2003 75cl acidity apricots aromatic Baron berry biscuits blend blueberry Bronze Cabernet caramel century character characteristic cheerful Christkindl cinnamon citrus classy cloves coffee combination combines complex concentrated creamy creating Dark dash Decanter Delicate delicious derived ensures Estate experience fine-grained finish Focused Franz fruit fruits ginger Gluhwein Glühwein grapey half Heritage His honey honeyed iced lemons Lifted Long lovely magazine medal Merlot Mince mocha moderate Mulled nose notes oak oranges palate partner Pauline peach perfected persistent Pies Poised predominance recommend red Rich ripe rounded ruby Sauternes served Southbank spices Stettner structure Subtle sugar sweet sweetness tannin Terraces toast wine