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Dessert Wines

Dessert Wines

Celebrating? Entertaining, or Choose a special wine to accompany your Dessert; these tend to have a higher alcoholic content of around 14% to 20%.

Looking to match a dessert with a wine? Choose one of our dessert wines that will make your desserts memorable.

Dessert wines are ideally enjoyed in small glasses and treasured like a glass of Scotch. From floral and delicate to honeyed and luscious, there's a new favourite waiting to be discovered, and they make a a fantastic finale to your dinner party!

View our range of dessert wines that highlight the many styles these sweet treats can take.


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15% 50cl balanced Bonacchi centuries Chianti Del dessert earliest embracing extremely Holy Italy's lingers medium origins palate rich Saint's Santo sweet texture tracing traditional translates Vin wine