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Here at The Cheese and Wine Shop, we have Wines for any occasion, and any budget. Supplying Wines to Wellington, Taunton, the South West and nationally, see our great range below. 

Next day service; why not combine your wine requirements with some of our great Cheeses?


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12.5% 13.5% 14% 75cl accompanied acidity ancient appley aromas balanced bar blackcurrant Blanc bodied bready bright Brut Burgundian-style Cabernet cassis Chateau Chenin clean clear clearly coffee Cremant crisp dark darker definition distinct Domaine drawer due earthy example excellence extraordinary fine finish flavours focus follow Franc fresh freshness fruit Gastronomic gnarly Grapes hand herby hills home innovative Langlois Latour leafy light light-bodied light-ruby Loire long Louis marvel meat medium minimum Noir nose notes nuances old Openers palate par particular Pinot pleasant production Provence racy raspberry red region rosé Rouge Saumur Screwpull smoke smooth sourced sparkling structured tannins vibrant Vieilles Vignes wine