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The Cheese and Wine Shop has a superb range of whiskys, from Scotland, Ireland, Wales and India! To learn more about Scotland's Whisky producing regions, click here!


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17% 35CL 46% 48.5% 57% 70cl abv aim alcohol appealing aromas balanced Bay behind belies Bottled cask Certainly character cinnamon citrus classic coconut comb combines Complexity consistency discreet distillery drink easy essence examples excites exotic expect extremely faint finish first flavours fruits full-flavoured further Ginger heart hearted heavyweight high hint Honey invigorated key kick light Liqueur luscious Lyme Malt medicinal nose notes nutmeg offering palate pears peat perfectly proves range remarkably rich richness salty Scotland’s Scottish seaside sherried Single sip smoke sometimes spice Spicy Springbank strength strongest suggests Sweet Tams tang Tincture tipple touches typical vanilla warming warmth Whisky wide