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Here at The Cheese and Wine Shop, we have a wide range of Spirits, from Brandy and Armagnacs, through to Gins, Vodkas, Grappas and Eau-di-vies. From Gordons to South and Hendricks Gins, along with boutique Vodkas, and superlative Brandy, Armagnac and Cognacs.


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18% 38% 40% 42% 50cl 70cl 75cl aged alternative Apple aroma aromas aromatic attractive barrels black blend Blended blue bodied botanicals bottle Bottled Boulard Brandy Calvados casks Champagne character cheeses chocolate Cider Cognac cognacs Complex Country created deep delicious desserts distillation distilled Distillery dry fine finest flavour flavours floral fresh fruit fruity gifts Gin grape Hennessy hints his Late Lbv London matured maturity mellow natural nose oak old palate perfect Plum Port Presented pure quality red rich ripe Roquefort Rum smooth Somerset spicy spirit still Stilton style subtle sweet taste Traditional unique vanilla varieties Vintage Vodka VSOP water West Wine