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Here at The Cheese and Wine Shop, we have a wide range of Spirits, from Brandy and Armagnacs, through to Gins, Vodkas, Grappas and Eau-di-vies. From Gordons to South and Hendricks Gins, along with boutique Vodkas, and superlative Brandy, Armagnac and Cognacs.


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05cl 1765 1870 2-5 38% 40% 70cl age aged almond appellation aroma aromas Asbach assemblage average barrels berries blend blended bodied bois Brandy brandys brioche carefully casks cellars century Champagne character charming cinnamon Cognac Cognac's cognacs company created deep Delamain dense distillations Eau-de-Vie established family Fine finest fins flavours floral freinds fruitier further German Giftbox golden Grande Grape Grilled growing hazelnuts Hennessy hints his honey hundred largest later least leather lemon limousin mainly marry maturity Maurice Miniture nightcap nurtured oak old operated orange Original palate peel personal plenty present pronounced quality red rich Richard Still taste town V.S vanilla wine