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Wines, Champagnes, Spirits and Liqueurs along with Ciders and Champagnes, we have drinks for all occassions and budgets.


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10year 19% 20% 50cl acidity aged American apéritif aperitif bar bottle burnt cake caramel-like Christmas Cinnamon citrus clean coloured dark desserts deteriorate dinner drawer dried drink drunk Dry elegant Finest finish flaming flavours form fragrant fruit fruitiness fruits fruity full-bodied Gently golden grape H&H Henriques hints home indestructible innovative Intense light lighter lovely Madeira Madiera Malmsey marvel Medium mellow mouth nose notes nuts Oak old once Openers plum Port pudding refreshing Rich salted Screwpull Sercial serve snacks Style sugar sweet tangy taste toffee tools top-notch touch versatile vibrant White wine