All Ford Farm Cheddar Truckles

All Ford Farm Cheddar Truckles (31)
Ford Farm produce award winning Cheddar's, just over the border from us here in Somerset. Located on the Dorset coast, Ford Farm produce a great range of Cheeses Truckles, and an excellent Christmas range, all of which make great gifts. 

The Wookey Hole is especially popular, being aged in Somersets famous Cheddar Caves

Godminster Cheese

Godminster Cheese (19)

Handmade here in Somerset, Godminsters superb Cheddars are available from The Cheese and Wine Shop. From the iconic "Hearts" to the 2kg rounds, all encased in Godminsters trademark Burgundy wax, this is seriously good cheddar. Like the Cheddar? ... then do try their newer soft cheeses as well.

Snowdonia Cheese

Snowdonia Cheese (17)

Snowdonia Cheddars are available here in various sizes. From the popular Black Bomber to the Whisky or added fruits; click here to buy Snowdonia cheese.