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Cheese by Milk type

Choose your Cheese by milk type, from lovely Goats Cheeses to creamy Cows Milk and tasty Sheeps milk cheeses.

Cheese by Milk type

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100g 150G 1kg 2.1kg 200g 220g+ 4-5 4kg aftertaste Alison alternative Amontillado aromatic Artisan-made ash baby Based basket bearing Beneath bitter bloomy blue Blunt called Cambazola Cambozola Camembert centerpiece central character Cheese cheeses clean coated cold combined company complex consistency cooking creamier creamy crème Cross crumbles crumbly crust Curado cured cut D.O Danablu Danish delicate Deliciously Denmark Denomination design develop developed develops domestic Dutch easily East entertaining ewes excess farm fine finest flaky flavor flavour French fresh Ginger Goats Golden honeyed lightly lovely Manchego mild rich rind Rioja ripened soft streaks tangy texture Tilsit Tilsiter type Typical Wensleydale wheel white