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Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar, is the name of a village ..... just up the road from The Cheese and Wine Shop here in Somerset. More importantly, its also the original home of Cheddar cheese - a firm, cow's milk, pale yellow or orange cheese. Since it is widely produced, cheddar does not have a 'protected designated origin'. That said, to combat commoditization of this venerable cheese, the European Union recognizes West Country Farmhouse Cheddar as a protected designation of origin.

English Cheeses

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1.5kg 1700g 20kg 3-4 400g 6kg 7kg age Award base boards bodied border breathe buttery cake Celebration Cheddar cheese complex Cross Cut deep delicately Devon divine ensures Exeter family farm fashioned firm flavour forming friends full-bodied gifts hallmark handmade harmony home hrs infuses intense large love Lye Mature matured matures month months Multi muslin muslin-wrapped near oak old organic pieces producing Quality Quicke's Quickes rind rounded sharp shavings slowly Smoked smooth texture through Traditional Truckle truckles twelve unique utterly Vintage waxed Wedding winning wrapping