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Hard Cheeses

Hard Cheeses

The technique of hard cheesemaking is incredibly varied. A degree difference in milk temperature, methods of cutting the curd, the size of the curd, and so so many hundreds of other factors can equate to a cheese different in style from the next. From Parmigiano-Reggiano, through to a whole world of aged hard cheese from England, Holland, and, of course, Italy. Sublime in a sandwich, grated over pasta, or tucked into an omelet or quiche, any of these would also be a perfect addition to a cheese plate. 

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Manchego Semi Curado 1kg

Manchego Semi Curado 1kg

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1kg 4-5 Amontillado Artisan-made basket bearing central cheese cheeses combined creamy Curado cured D.O Denomination design ewes flavour glass honeyed Mancha Manchego mild milk months nutty oaky Origin red Reserva rind Rioja Semi semi-hard Sherry smooth Spain tanginess texture top-quality typical unpasteurised weave white