Buy Salcombe Ice Cream ...

at The Cheese and Wine Shop. Having stocked salcombe for over 15 years, its been a long standing favorite.
Salcombe Dairy’s philosophy of almost 30 years still applies: create a sumptuous recipe and use only the finest natural ingredients to make the highest quality dairy ice creams, premium sorbets and luxury crushes. Quality without compromise ... 
Through good times, bad times, hey days and holidays, Salcombe Dairy has endured: principally because the ice cream is so very good. And it is so very good due to the quality of the ingredients and the passion and exacting standards of the people who make it. The milk has always come straight from the farm first thing each morning, the double cream has always come from the creamery in mid Devon. The sugar and butter come from farther afield because we can’t get them in Devon, but it is the best we can find. As for the flavour ingredients – we always secure the very best quality – using nothing artificial or unnatural – and if the best available is in Devon, that’s where it comes from. 
Definitely a cut above other frozen desserts, Salcombe Dairy’s ice creams, sorbets and crushes appeal to the most discerning palates – but we believe everyone should try them. They are most definitely: scrumptious, sophisticated and simply superb.