Parmesan 120g

Parmesan 120g


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These typical light, crispy tongue biscuits known as mother-in-law tongues, are hand-made in the heart of Piedmonte, a region famous for its wine and culinary heritage. They can be eaten as an antipasti snack, like grissini bread sticks or combine well with a cheese course.

This product is extremely fragile, and it is normal for biscuits to be in sections. This in no way detracts from the quality, and they can be attractively presented in a bread basket.


Lingue are made with the simplest of authentic primary ingredients: flour, water, extra virgin olive oil and yeast. The dough is measured out, stretched and rolled out thin, then pricked by hand, before baking fast at a high temperature to a golden crispness. Being a genuinely hand-made product, naturally they vary in colour and size.

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